April 27th, 2016  |  Partners

Investing in Education - A Partner's Perspective

“Education is a great equalizer,” explains Rodney Bullard, Executive Director at the Chick-fil-A Foundation and Vice President of Community Affairs at Chick-fil-A. “We’re very serious about education because we’re very serious about making sure that every child grows up to be everything they are purposed to be.”

In this short interview, Mr. Bullard explains why community-minded companies like Chick-fil-A are so deeply committed to K-12 education and why they choose to partner with us to serve disadvantaged children.

“This is about real lives, real children, real families,” said Mr. Bullard. “And this is about people who will grow up to be the leaders of tomorrow. This is an investment, not only in our children, but in our most common shared resource - our future.”

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