January 3rd, 2024  |  School Choice

Georgia Reaches QEE Fundraising Cap on Day 1

We had a record fundraising year at Arete Scholars. In Georgia, our supporters pledged over $9 million to help children across our state access their dreams. Sadly, the Qualified Education Expense (QEE) donation cap of $120 million was reached on January 2nd, within 24 hours of opening. 

What does this mean? Arete Scholars relies on donations raised under Georgia's QEE tax credit to fund scholarships for deserving students. The law currently caps statewide contributions to $120 million. When the cap is met on the first day, as it was this year, donation approvals are prorated to not exceed $120 million. This year, because the cap was reached on January 2nd, our supporters were denied the opportunity to contribute over $3 million in crucial funding, preventing hundreds of new children from entering our program. 

Thankfully, despite the state's cap, we have raised enough funding to support existing scholarships. However, all across Georgia, there are thousands of families eager for the best possible education for their children who can not enter our program.  

What can be done? We are exploring ways to encourage lawmakers to increase the state's QEE cap. By becoming engaged, you can help us raise the cap and make a meaningful impact on the lives of Georgia children. If you are passionate about providing educational opportunities and want to help us overcome this challenge, please contact Arete Scholars at info@aretescholars.org. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of Georgia's students.